The Blog
U.S. Freelancers Are Headed Down the Crapper
Don’t let the competition get you down
Freelancers beware: You need more than a good contract
How fast do you get back to freelance prospective clients?
Freelance business writing: Are revisions part of the job?
Two types of freelance marcom writing: What’s the difference?
Say just the right thing to freelance prospects . . . or else
Freelancing: Black-box pricing or The big pricing question no one asks
Speak your truth, live your truth, the freelance way
Charge late fees to freelance clients: Yes or no?
Freelancing: Why a penny saved is a penny earned
Living the freelance dream
Collaborative freelancing is the answer
On freelancing and introversion
Don’t overestimate your market
Exercising the completion muscle
Three types of freelance craziness
The power to critique is the power to destroy
“Pick up the phone” works in politics too
Cold calling for freelance work: Leave a message? Yes, yes, yes!